Wed, Jun 21, 2023 0 New Stock has Arrived of the Omega MM900 cold press juicer!
This popular dual function cold press juicer expertly juices a wide variety of vegetables and fruits to create an exceptionally high-quality juice.
The Oscar DA900 has been discontinued but the international bestseller, the Omega J8226 does everything that the Oscar DA900 can do.
The Omega Juice Cube is now available in a stunning new red colour as well as silver. The Omega Juice cube is brilliant for juicing greens, vegetables and hard fruit. Being multifunctional, you can also use it to make frozen fruit sorbets, nut butters and baby food. The Juice cube is popular for its ground breaking square footprint and neat cube form. With compartments for all accessories, you will know exactly where to find your accessories when you need them.